I am a semi-retired sixty something, young at heart with a passion for games invention. I often find I learn new topics better if I can encapsulate them in the form of a game. If good enough I then think can I turn it into a real commercial game – game on – what fun?

My background is that of a trained geologist hence the board game I created about drilling for oil in an industry in which I worked for a brief period before the dreaded recession in the mid 80’s onwards.  What bad timing. My experience in the oil industry was short lived and I had to retrain as a computer programmer, working for a Manufacturing and Service company in a field far removed from oil exploration.

Near the end of my career in IT, I flirted with the idea of becoming a maths teacher and went on to get a degree from the Open University in Maths. Now, I only tutor maths privately which I enjoy and which I guess links back to my interest in games and puzzles. Us gamers never retire – we are constantly looking for ideas to gamify if there is such a word – well you know what I mean.